Friday, September 18, 2009


In science this week i learned many things. Some of those things are how a red dot from a laser gets to a solid object like a wall. Another thing that i learnedthis wekk in science is how light works. When i saw that i learned how light works i mean like how light hits an object and then the light from that bounces everywhere. One of the experemens that me and my partner did was we had a ligth bulb and a noteboook and we turned the ligtht bulb on then the notebook was like a afoot away and then we made a dot on the light bulb and our hypothsis was that if there is a dot on the bulb that there would be a shodow of the dot on the notebook. But it did not work. The point of this was that we thought that there was many rays of light coming off of the bulb in many diffrent direction and if we put a dot on then and we didn't see a shodow of the dot on the notebook then we were wrong. And we were but thats okay because we learned new thinigs.
The dot on the wall was really fun and i think i learned alot. What i learned about it is that if you have a laser and point it to a solid object then you will be able to see a dot on that object. But the real question was how does the dot get to the wall. So me and my partner came up with a hypothsis which was that there is a little path that it takes to the wall. Our expirment was to clap erasers togetrher and the chalk would make the path apear because of the dust/chalk particles.
And the path apperaed and our expairiment worked!
All of the things that we did this week were reallly importat because its always good to know this kind of things for next year and for the rest of my life.

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