Friday, September 25, 2009


This week we did many diffrent things. Some of those things are:
-When the light from a light bulb is farther from a wall there is a glow but you can't really see a shape. And when we held the notebook you could see the shape.
-Also when we got a light buld and out hypothsis was that its letter A. (a light bulb with one line of rays going straight up in one direction) because its such a small whole and doesn't go in all diffrent directions. and out Exparment was to put a piecse of card bord and put a small whole in it and put the cardbord on the light bulb and see if there is a whole on the wall. Our conclushoin was that we got A. because we put out hand real close to the cardbord and there was a large whole and as we were taking our hand farther away that same dot starts to fade and get real small.
I also learned that if u have a light bulb and turn it on there are rays that shine everywhere and the rays hit an object (like a marker) and then the rays bounce off f that object into all diffrent directions, not just into out eyes.
Another thing i learned that is very important to life/science is that if you are in a room that is completly pitch black with no light at all that your eyes will never adjust and you won't be able to see anything.
These things are always good to know for example of one of these things in real life is that i you are a person who likes to camp in caves and it gets real dark and its pitch black and you think that your eyes will adjust its just good to know they won't and don't have to waist time if you think that they do.

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